Me, me, me.

My photo
Rednecksville, Indiana, United States
I fall in love with fictional characters and have at least a minor interest in anything that could be considered nerdy.

Monday, September 13, 2010

I give up.

The MCR Mindfuck Continues

My Chem, you have baffled me with this one. I give up. You win. This madness has gone on a bit too long.


I also give up on moving these certain 6 files to a different folder on my computer. IT JUST WON'T MOVE. *head!desk*
In other news. My eyebrow hurts really badly.
And if Season 5 of Doctor Who doesn't come out on DVD soon, I am going to go into withdrawl. IT'S LIKE CRACK. BUT EVEN BETTER THAN CRACK. O_O. *twitches*
Er. That was odd.

I am determined to draw a picture today. I was also determined to draw a picture the last three days. I'm also determined to work on planning my NaNoWriMo novel (did I tell you I decided on what to write?) .We'll see how that goes.


I watched pretty much an entire season of The Office in one day. That show is also like crack.

I was at Borders the other day and they had all of the Sandman books. All. Of. Them. On one shelf. ALL OF THEMMM.
They were $20 each so the whole set would have cost way too much.
I'mma ask for them for Christmas or something.

I am not sure why I'm posting all this because it has no purpose.
Oh well.
Stare at this.