Me, me, me.

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Rednecksville, Indiana, United States
I fall in love with fictional characters and have at least a minor interest in anything that could be considered nerdy.

Thursday, August 26, 2010

Things I Like Thursday!

I did the most ridiculous amount of math today. You have no idea. I'm too pretty for this shit. D:
Oh, and I got my eyebrow pierced. It hurts a whole bunch (though it didn't hurt as bad as a wasp sting, as I discovered last night. that could just be because I have a very low tolerance for wasp stings. my foot swelled up to like, almost twice it's size o_o), but it's epiccccc. My Facebook profile picture has a good shot of it, but only in the large view. :P
Yeah. I totally spaced it out last week. >_> <_< Well. Things I Like is back. :D

Writer of the Week: Lixxle
A fanfiction writer in the Labyrinth fandom (which is the #1 coolest fandom ever, just so you know. We're all intellegent and like awesome things. We kick anime fandom's asses.) One of her stories, My Fine Feathered Friend, was inspired by some drawings that Pika-la-cynique did. It's all pure crack!fic, but in the best possible way - I dare you not to laugh out loud the whole way through all of her stories. Warning, quite a bit of 'adult-type touching', to quote Lixxle herself. But some of that is the funniest part.

Artist of the Week: Janey-jane
...There are no words. Just look at it. Especially these:
SesshomaruThe Goblin King, and Bioluminescence

Photographer of the Week: homedoggieo
A friend of mine from when I first joined deviantART...he doesn't get on too often anymore, but he still has some great stuff.

Band of the Week: Taking Back Sunday.
Omfg I love them. Listen to 'Swing', 'New Again', and 'Sink Into Me'. They're my favorites right now. :D

Recent faves on deviantART:

The Ghost of You by ~lizziedeviant on deviantART

Last of the Time Lords by =SheldonSands on deviantART

warmth by ~malo-bice on deviantART

Code Geass : Damn Regret by *ilaBarattolo on deviantART

The Hatter by =einlee on deviantART

Heroes - Gabriel Sylar by ~Petite-Madame on deviantART

Skull by ~BenDiAnna on deviantART

l i t t l e m o n s t e r by =gutterface on deviantART

Sin by ~noridomotomiriki on deviantART

Vladimir by *Id-Boomer on deviantART


  1. I adore you for introducing me to Lixxle c8

  2. Lol'd so hard :'D
    And her profile says she's from Australia! *pride*

  3. WOO
    What's with Australia producing awesome people?

  4. listen to liar (takes one to know one) by tbs it is their best fucking song <3
